David Bonsall
40 Acres and Buildings
2 Horses, 2 Cattle, 4 Sheep
Michael Bready
60 Acres and Buildings
2 Horses, 2 Cattle,
Joseph Dicks
260 Acres and Buildings
6 Horses, 7 Cattle, 15 Sheep
Job Dicks
15 Acres and Buildings
Sarah Dicks
150 Acres and Buildings
4 Horses, 4 Cattle, 18 Sheep
William Edwards
68 Acres and Buildings
2 Horses, 2 Cattle, 3 Sheep
Benjamin Eaton
A Tenement
A Cordwainer
Sarah Ealy
27 Acres and Buildings
2 Horses, 2 Cattle
John Hinkson
200 Acres and Buildings
4 Horses, 6 Cattle, 14 Sheep
John Hart
48 Acres and Buildings
Jonathan Haycock
88 Acres and Buildings
2 Horses, 2 Cattle
Elisha Jones
1 Acres of Land
Robert Lindsey
165 Acres and Buildings
3 Horses, 5 Cattle, 8 Sheep
A Single Man
James Lindsey
A Tenement
1 Cow
John Logmeyer
70 Acres and Buildings
2 Horses, 2 Cattle
Aaron Minshall
1 Acre and Buildings
William McCracken
10 Acres and Buildings
1 Horse, 2 Cattle, 6 Sheep
William Mason
100 Acres and Buildings
2 Horses, 2 Cattle, 12 Sheep
Thomas Newsome
27 Acres and Buildings
2 Horses, 3 Cattle
Thomas Oliver
100 Acres and Buildings
3 Horses, 4 Cattle, 8 Sheep
Ruben Roberts
70 Acres and Buildings
2 Horses, 4 Cattle, 6 Sheep
Daniel Sharpless
240 Acres and Buildings
5 Horses, 5 Cattle, 9 Sheep
James Sharpless
160 Acres and Buildings
2 Horses, 3 Cattle, 1 Sheep
William Haton
A Tenement
1 Cow
Lewis Trimble
50 Acres and Buildings
2 Horses, 1 Cow, 6 Sheep
Samuel Taylor
8 Acres and Buildings
1 Horse, 1 Cow
Shoemaker to Trade
Jonathan Vernon
40 Acres and Buildings
3 Horses, 1 Cow
Nathaniel Vernon
388 Acres and Buildings
7 Horses, 3 Cattle, 5 Sheep
Saw Mill, Rec. Rent of Daniel Thompson
Jonathan Vernon Jr.
60 Acres and Buildings
2 Horses,2 Cattle, 6 Sheep
Received of Daniel Hansley
Elias Vernon
88 Acres and Buildings
2 Cattle
1 Servant
A Taylor
Gideon Vernon
A Tenement
A Single Man
Abigail Vernon
A Tenement
1 Horse, 1 Cow
Isaac Weaver
200 Acres and Buildings
9 Horses, 4 Cattle, 10 Sheep
Stone Quarry unoccupied, Received of Matthew Pierce
Andrew Wilson
160 Acres and Buildings
3 Horses, 3 Cattle, 6 Sheep
1 Servant
Received of John Jones
Roger & Jane Dicks
26 Acres Improved
William Swafford Guardian
Henry Reynolds
Frederick Dicks
Thomas Hinkson
Samuel Lindsey
David Moore
Nathaniel Sharpless
Daniel Sharpless
David Trainor
Frederick Vernon
Nathaniel Vernon

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